The UK & Africa International Construction Technology Fair, London, UK 2024


An International Construction Trade Fair to promote innovation, trade & investment, networking and to connect British firms to Ghanaian construction companies for technology transfer to combat flooding and improve building construction in Accra and other towns and cities in Ghana.


  • Business Conference
  • Facilitate Networking
  • Exhibitions of Products and Services
  • Creation of Business Opportunities
  • Promote Business Partnership
  • Facilitate Business Support
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Technology transfer

Main Goal of UK - Ghana Construction Technology Fair London UK, 2024

The goal of this event is to showcase British Firms to the Ghanaian construction Business Communities to promote business partnerships that can lead to economic growth by introducing innovative technologies that will permanently address the serious flooding concerns in Accra Ghana that claim lives and destroy properties annually. This event will bring together industry experts to share their rich experiences and provide opportunities for Ghanaian construction businesses to access important resources to protect the environment and lives. This event will include a business conference which will feature industry keynote speakers and the opportunity for networking among conference participants.

The other part of the event would be the exhibition of products and services. This will enable firms to display their products and services they offer.

Business Conference

The theme for the Business conference is "Promoting Innovation, Business Partnership, Trade and Investment “ This is in line with UK Government's vision to be a global hub for innovation by 2035, this business conference aims at increasing the awareness of this vision to drive productivity, profitability and healthy economic environment for business expansion. Keynote presentation will therefore be delivered by industry experts on the necessary action plan needed for business innovation to enhance economic growth and at the same time empower Ghanaian construction firms with technologies to address the flooding problems in Ghana.

Innovate UK has indicated that inspiring through the creation of visible and compelling opportunities, the involvement of relevant organisation and people, the investment of necessary resources and support for businesses to grow rapidly is an integral part of achieving business innovation. Organisations with passion to help businesses to grow through development and commercialisation of new products, processes and services, that support outstanding innovation ecosystem will be brought together to develop strategies to achieve business excellence.

Facilitate Networking

This event seeks to facilitate Networking to ensure that it leads to the development and operation of business partnership to improve business resources, increase market share or profit margins of exhibitors. This is because exhibitors will meet potential new customers, suppliers and learn more about their competitors.

Apply to Exhibit

Attending this important event will enable exhibitors to raise their profile and generate brand awareness. Exhibitors will meet face to face with potential customers in a great way to start building a relationships. Exhibitors have a great opportunity to introduce new product or service. Exhibitors also have the opportunity to explain their offerings in person and answer questions to enhance product innovation. Exhibitors can also build their new customer database by developing marketing lists and generate qualified sales lead.


The registration for this event is strictly by company only. There are four ways that companies can register for this event. They can register as VIP delegates, they can also register as an agent to receive discounted offers on our tickets. Companies can also register as early bird delegates to benefit from our discounted promotional offerings. Finally they can also register as standard delegates. Any company that registers for this event must present two to three delegates only. International delegates will be welcomed at the airport. They will also be offered accommodation for two nights, free transportation to conference and exhibition centres and free meals. They can also decide to make their own arrangement instead of what we provide them but that will not affect the price of their ticket.


Delegates with VIP ticket will receive high class standard services for three nights accommodation, they will transportation to all events, special continental cuisines and gift sets, coupons to attend special entertaining events in London after the trade fair.

Contact Details of Organiser

BGM Ministries Ltd

Trading name: Brijens

Registered Address: 300 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AA United Kingdom

Company Number: 08482571

Event Director: Brian Gray-Mills MBA, BSc Hons (He/Him)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone Number: 0044 7572424143


Event Properties

Event Date 09-06-2024 10:00 am
Event End Date 09-06-2024 5:00 pm
Location Loughborough Centre

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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