International Conference on Leading & Managing Effectively

Managing a successful team requires key strategies and practices. This event will present the needed training and network to become an outstanding leader in your field.

This event is for people who play leadership roles in their organisations and those who play an active roles such as policymakers, directors, managers, supervisors, team leaders in companies, NGOs, community-based organizations, teachers, cooperate, institutional leaders, leaders playing active roles in their ministries, Pastors, Church workers, etc.

Main Highlight

  • Strategic planning process
  • Corporate governance
  • Conflict management
  • Risk management
  • Industry analysis
  • Business models
  • Change management
  • Innovation and technology strategy
  • How to manage a team successfully
  • Understanding the key areas of leadership
  • Sponsor/Partner/Exhibitor

Sponsors/Partners/Exhibitors will raise their profile and generate brand awareness in the Christian community. They will meet face-to-face with potential customers, clients job seekers, etc which is a great way to start building relationships. They will have a great opportunity to introduce new products or services including transformative ministry resources. They will also have the opportunity to explain their offerings in person and answer questions to improve product development, such as books, tapes, videos, Christian literature, music equipment, etc. Sponsors/Partners/Exhibitors may have the opportunity to secure contracts and business partners to enhance church growth projects. They can also build their new customer database by developing marketing lists and generating qualified sales leads. For more information about how to exhibit your product and services at the conference or to become a sponsor or Partner for the conference please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Attendees may also have the opportunity for discounted leadership resource offers, secure business opportunities, and partnerships with Christian organisations, associations, etc.

Registration/Event Tickets

To attend this event, individuals have to register by purchasing the preferred event ticket. There are three different types of event tickets. They include Early Bird Ticket, and Golden Ticket.


1. Early Bird Ticket

Ticket Price: £100

What do you get?

  • - Ticket to attend the conference
  • - Face-to-face engagement with exhibitors to secure discounted leadership resources.
  • - Full customer support including transport information, nearby hotels, restaurants, and social activities in London.
  • - Invitation letter to attend the conference.


2. Golden Ticket

Ticket Price: £160

What do you get?

  • - Ticket to attend the conference
  • - Face-to-face engagement with exhibitors to secure discounted ministry materials.
  • - Full customer support including transport information, nearby hotels, restaurants and social activities in London.
  • - Invitation letter to attend the conference.


Silver tickets are free for Protocol executives only


Event Properties

Event Date Mon, Mar 25 • 10:00 AM
Event End Date Wed, Mar 27 • 12:00 PM
Location Hotel Radisson BLU Lietuva

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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