Church Growth International Conference

This is a work of ministry conference for Christians serving in leadership role in their local churches such as Pastors, Elders, Ushers, choir members, prayer ministry members, outreach team members, related church workers etc.

The Church Growth International Conference will bring together seasoned ministers who have been successful in planting mega churches to share the principles for church growth with conference attendees.


* Principles for Building a Mega Church

* Powerful teachings from Anointed Ministers

* Fellowshipping/networking

* Discounted ministry resources


Facilitate Networking

This event seeks to facilitate networking and promote church growth in communities. The impact of a growing church in a community reduces social vices such as gang related crimes, drug addiction, teenage pregnancy etc. The positive influence of a mega church can transform members of the community to become more responsible to make a difference in humanity.


Event Properties

Event Date 12-14-2023
Event End Date 12-17-2023
Cut off date 12-12-2023
Individual Price One Hundred and Fifty Pounds
Location London, United Kingdom

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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