Five Steps to Building a Strong Ambassadorial Culture

Five Steps to Building a Strong Ambassadorial Culture

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Every church could either have a culture of loyalty or disloyalty. The culture of loyalty is what must be encouraged and accepted in the church to enhance growth and stability. In my church Wisehouse Chapel Int. we have gradually developed a culture of loyalty. For instance, it is unacceptable to speak negatively about any minister. Personally, I have no mocking Five Steps to Build a Good Ambassadorial Culture remarks to make about my leaders behind their backs. I prefer to praise them instead.

If I have anything to talk about, I will usually just voice it out; simple as that. We do not encourage any form of malicious, hateful or nasty talk, murmuring or discontented people. Such people will not be free to exist in our environment. At Wisehouse Chapel Int. we are able to tell if someone is a rebel by the way they talk. We are able to identify rebels if they begin to speak in a certain way. When people from less loyal church cultures come into your church, they should be able to notice a difference. Let your church be air tight.

Let your culture be impermeable to all forms of disloyal influences. Let me outline the five steps that will lead to the building of the culture of loyalty among your leadership team; which will also affect your church in a positive way. As you regularly teach your leaders and members about the need to become loyal, your church will grow steadily to be a church with a loyal culture.

Short Description

Discover five essential steps to foster a loyal, supportive, and growth-oriented church culture, emphasizing positive communication and resilience against disloyal influences.


Neutralizing Disloyalty
Regular Leader Evaluation and Pruning
Techniques for Exposing Disloyal Elements
Teaching and Cultivating Loyalty
Selecting and Working with Willing Participants

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